To Do Reminder App Screens UI
Every day we have a zillion of the task to get accomplished, sometimes we do tend to forget
some of them while some tasks are interesting than others but completing every task is a
task in itself specifically if they are on daily basis. Countless people still use pen and paper
yet new task comes out plus keeping track of all task can be a hassle. We got a solution to
this problem in the form of an application.
Our reminders The ultimate task reminder app built for Android that features a beautiful,
material design inspired by Time and location with repetitive daily and weekly reminders
additionally it has the location-based feature. Its exclusivity is you create a new one, then
the old one above the new will remind you when you will arrive at the location set by the
new one. Our app template is an all-rounder in making life easy. Download today and let our
template help you in managing everyday tasks.
Format: PSD & JPG
Vector Shapes: Yes
Size: 443 KB
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