New Responsive Admin Design PSD
In recent years, layouts have become more spacious, mobile-friendly with simple colors and
typography making data highly advance and the tasks easier. Also, there are a lot of changes in
the way web users interact with dashboard data to complete simple tasks. A good application
needs good design especially when to come to online application dashboard so we have
designed free Admin Dashboard Bootstrap Template juts for you.
Our template has a multipurpose simple and easy admin and frontend theme powered with
Twitter Bootstrap Admin. We have developed a template in a way to help frontend/backend
developers making their job easy and save time in their development. Design is based on the
Google material and jQuery frameworks and has a huge collection of material design animation
& widgets, UI Elements plus it is free to download so check it out now.
Format: PSD & JPG
Vector Shapes: Yes
Size: 0.5 MB
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