iOS9 Style Mobile Left Menu UI PSD






iOS9 Style Mobile Left Menu UI PSD

Perfectly designed and eye-grabbing menus can change the future of your UX app and greatly
impart to its overall performance. The foremost priority of an app should be to help users to
navigate plus should orient to the user’s mental model. So because of this, the side menu is
created to make user experience and interface more convenient and user-friendly additionally
they also assist users with a comprehensive stack of links, search bar, and even fresh features.
Our Interactive bar app Side Menu compatible with iOs not only looks beautiful, stylish and
sophisticated but has easy fully customizable Side Menu component for your Ionic Framework
interface design with a responsive menu UI plugin. Our application generates space efficient
vertical push/sliding/static navigation, icon toolbar or full-screen menu of your choice plus it
has attractive feature of standalone extras that stay hidden within the list type menu,
accessible with a left/right side swipe gesture or popping up after pressing one of the bottom

Format: Layered PSD and JPG
Vector Shapes: Yes
Size: 34.7 MB

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