Go Air Taxi Booking UI Concept


Go Air Taxi Booking UI Concept

Price: 0.00 New

Go Air Taxi is a air taxi app mobile UI Kit that you can use to get started with your Air taxi service. This mobile UI Kit is inspired by modern ui Design, a design language created for Google Android’s new OS which was announced in summer 2018. Go Air Taxi UI Kit includes features like Login/Register, Ride Booking, Selection of Vehicle Type, Payment, Rating, Ride History, Offers etc. Only vector shapes and layers styles were used. This UI Kit does not come in different formats, it comes only in the Photoshop version, which might represent a small issue for some users.

Although this UI Kit is designed primarily for iOS devices, it adapts very well to Android too. It includes 22 mobile screens, which contain many useful elements. Layers are named and well-organized, for the ease of customisation. The kit comes in both Psd and Adobe XD version, and depending on your workflow you can choose the version that fits you well.

Go Air Taxi UI Kit uses Google fonts, so you get a myriad of font options that are supported by all major platform…

Format: Layered JPEG,Adobe XD
Vector Shapes: Yes
Size: 65 MB

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