New Digital Bank App UI Kit



About Brief New Digital Bank App UI Kit

New Digital Bank App UI Kit is an application for users who feel unsafe to use net-banking or banking actions on their phone, Pc, laptops or any other device for the fact of getting their accounts hacked by an anonymous person and he taking all their money.

For such an issue, PSD gang is attentive of the issue of safety and hence fabricated a fresh app instead of the individual application of the bank itself.

An attractive application is being out for all the applicants to use for conducting their banking operations, either doing net banking or saving their card no. or any other way of money transaction. The safer and easiest means to use banking applications through this app. For using this app, you need to have a source file and download the application for free.

Format: Layered JPEG,Adobe XD
Vector Shapes: Yes
Size: 2.1Mb

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