10 Login Screens for Mobile App UI

login psd

About Brief 5 Login Screens for Mobile App with 3 different style

It is often said that the first impression is the last impression so the Login screens
are meant to be eye-catchy in order to lure the users and keep them engaged but
building a login screen template can be a task in itself as it is very time consuming
and tricky. In order to save your time we have built login screen that will help to
maintain and escalate your users.
Our Material Design UI and GUI layout comes with different Login Screens that
consists of features like account sign in, sign up, and lock screen for mobile apps
and responsive login screen for the web application. It also has very nice
background with two inputs with icons, a login button , and the hover effect. It is very
easy to customize that is fully supported by every device and comes with 5 different
styles which are 100% free to download. So get your template now.

Size: 5.95 MB

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